View your ARP Table:
1. First you want to connect to Router 1 and view your ARP table. What command will
do this?
Router>enableRouter#show arp
2. Next you need to assign an IP address of /24 to the Ethernet 0 interface.
Router#conf terminalRouter(config)#interface Ethernet 0Router(config-if)#ip address no shutdownRouter(config-if)#exit
3. Now view your ARP table again. How many entries do you have now?
Router(config)#exitRouter#show arp
4. Select Router2 from the button menu.
5. Set Router 2's Ethernet 0 interface IP address to /24
Router#conf terminalRouter(config)#interface Ethernet 0Router(config-if)#ip address no shutdownRouter(config-if)#exit
6. You should now have a connection between your Router 1 and Router 2 Ethernet
interfaces. To ensure that the connection is functional ping your Router 1 Ethernet 0 IP
Router(config-if)#exitRouter(config)#exitRouter# ping
7. Now view your ARP table and notice the entry. What address is it and how was it
Router#show arp
8. Now that you have built an ARP table, go ahead and clear it.
Router#clear arp
9. View your ARP table one last time and notice what entries are there.
Router#show arp
ARP Summary
In this lab you will view the ARP table that is stored in the router. You will also learnhow to clear the router's table as a troubleshooting technique. The router stores detailedinformation obtained from other devices on the network. The information it collects iswhat is referred to as a MAC address and IP address. This information can get corruptedfrom time to time which will cause the router to have packet-delivery problems. Whenthis happens we must clear the ARP table and have it rebuilt.You can view the ARP table using the command show arp. This displays detailedinformation about interfaces that are learning MAC addresses. Looking at the tablebelow we can see that we learn the IP address and MAC (hardware) address of eachEthernet interface. The age is how long we have had the information and the interface iswhat interface we learned this information from.Notice the age time on the address, this is because it is the IP address of theEthernet port that is connected to the router.Router#show arpProtocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type InterfaceInternet 207 0000.0c32.f57d ARPA Ethernet0Internet - 0060.7062.e040 ARPA Ethernet0Router#You must be in privileged mode to clear the ARP table. After entering privileged modethe command to clear the ARP table is clear arp. After you have cleared the ARP table youcan view it again using the show arp command. Notice all the entries have disappearedwith the exception of the directly connected interfaces of the router.Router#show arpProtocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type InterfaceInternet - 0060.7062.e040 ARPA Ethernet0Router#