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Oct 29, 2010

Lab 7: Copy Command

Objective: In this lab we will become familiar with the Router Configuration as well as
be introduced to the Copy Commands Available to us in the Cisco IOS.
Lab Equipment: We will be using Router 1.  To select Router 1 click on the button
"Router" located at the top of the screen.

1. Get to the router prompt.

2. Enter Privilege Mode.

3. Show the active configuration in memory. The currently active configuration script
running on the router is referred to as the running-config on the routers command-line
interface.  Note that privileged mode is required.  The running configuration script is not
automatically saved on a Cisco router, and will be lost in the event of power failure.  The
running configuration must be manually saved with the copy command.
Router#show running-config 

4. Try and show the configuration stored in NVRAM, this is your startup-config.  We
have not saved the configuration so there is not one to show.   
Router#show startup-config 

5. Copy the current active configuration to NVRAM.  The current active configuration is
in RAM and we would like to save it so that in the event the of a power outage the router
will still boot up with our configuration.  
Router#copy running-config startup-config 

6. Now show the configuration stored in NVRAM. 
Router#show startup-config 

7. If we decided that we would like to start configuring the router from scratch we could
erase the startup-config and reload the router.  This will enable us to completely delete
ALL configurations on the router so that we can start from scratch. What command will
delete your configuration file in NVRAM.
Router#erase startup-config

8. Now that we have deleted our configuration lets reload the router.  The router notices
that you have a configuration and asks you if you would like to save it before you reload. 
We do not want to save it so we are going to select no. 

9. After the router is done rebooting lets look at the startup configuration file again.
Because we did not save it before we reloaded there is nothing there.  
Router#show startup-config 

10. Now lets change the hostname of your router to Boson. What command will do this? 
Router#config terminal 
Router(config)#hostname Boson 

11. After we changed the hostname we will now reload the router and when the router
asks we will save our configurations.

12. After reloading the router, the hostname of Boson appears in the prompt.  If you do a
show startup-config, nothing appears.

Copy Summary
Objective: Saving your configurations using the Copy command
Running Configuration
The currently active configuration script running on the router is referred to as the
running-config on the routers command-line interface.  Note the privilege mode
required.  The running configuration script is not automatically saved on a Cisco router,
and will be lost in the event of power failure.  The running configuration must be
manually saved with the copy command (discussed in a later lab).
Router#show running-config
Building configuration...

Current configuration:
version 12.0
hostname Router
interface Serial0
no ip address
interface BRI0
no ip address
interface Ethernet0
no ip address
line con 0 
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
If you decide you would like to start configuring a router from scratch you will need to
reload the router making sure you have deleted your startup-config file that is stored in
NVRAM.  To do this you will need to first erase the configuration file you have in
NVRAM using the command erase startup-config.  Next you will need to reload the router
and do not save the configurations when asked.
Router#erase startup-config
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]
Erase of nvram: complete


System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: n
Proceed with reload? [confirm]