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Oct 2, 2010

Lab 5: Extended Basics

Objective:  To be able to view and configure some basic areas of the router.
Lab Equipment: We will be using "Router 1".  To select "Router 1" click on the button
labeled Router 1 at the top of the screen.

1. Get to the router prompt.
2. We wish to view the list of all available commands to us at this prompt.  Enter the
command that is used to view all the available commands.
3. Now enter Privilege mode. This is the mode that lets you have total control of the

4. View the available commands in Privilege mode.
5. We would like to configure the router.  What command do we use to get into
configuration mode?
Router#config terminal 

6. The Router's Host Name is used for local identification.   When you log into the router
you see the Host Name in front of the prompt (either the > or the #).  This can be used to
identify the location or function of the router. Set your Router's hostname to "Krang". 
What command do you use to configure the hostname?
Router(config)#hostname Krang 

7. The enable password controls access to privilege mode.   This is a VERY important
password because in privilege mode you can make configuration changes. Set your
enable password to "boson".  What command will accomplish this?
Krang(config)#enable password boson
8. Let's test this password.  Exit out of the router and try to enter privilege mode.  Notice
what password got you into privilege mode.  Now type: conf term and proceed with the lab
instructions in the next step. 

9. The only problem with the enable password is that it appears in plain text in the router's
configuration file. If you need to show someone this file so that they can help you
troubleshoot a problem you may inadvertently compromise the security of your systems
by reveling the passwords.  What command will create an encrypted password?  Set the
enable secret password to "cisco".  What command did you use?
Krang(config)#enable secret cisco 
10. You can now test this password by logging out of the router and then typing enable. 
The enable secret is an additional password over and above the enable password, in fact,
it overrides the enable password. If you have set both passwords, the enable SECRET is
the password you use to enter into privilege mode.  The enable PASSWORD is still
present but is now deactivated.

Basic Lab Summary
This lab will introduce the Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS) command line
interface (CLI).  You will need to logon to a router and become familiar with the
different levels of access on the router.  You will also become familiar with the
commands available to you in each mode (user or privileged) and the router help facility,
history, and editing features. 

User vs. Privileged Mode
User mode is indicated with the '>' next to the router name.  You can look at settings but
can not make changes from user mode.  In Privilege mode (indicated by the '#', you can
do anything.  To get into privilege mode the keyword is enable.

To view all commands available from this mode type: ?  This will give you the list of all
available commands for the router in your current mode. You can also use the question
mark after you have started typing a command.  For example if you want to use a show
command but you do not remember which one, typing in show ? will output all of the
commands that you can use with the show command.
Router#show ?
access-expression List access expression
access-lists List access lists
backup Backup status
cdp CDP information
clock Display the system clock
cls DLC user information
compress Show compression statistics
configuration Contents of Non-Volatile memory

Configuration Mode
From privilege mode you can enter configuration mode by typing config term you can exit
configuration mode type type end or pressing <CTL>+z    (Press the 'Control' key and the letter 'Z' at the
same time)
Router#config t

The Host Name
The Router's Host Name is used for local identification.   When you log into the router
you see the Host Name.  This is also visible via LAT and CDP.    However this is NOT
used for TCP/IP address resolution.
Router(config)#hostname Krang

The Enable Password
The enable password controls access to privilege mode.   This is a VERY important
password because in privilege mode you can make configuration changes.
Krang(config)#enable password frodo
You can securely encrypt the enable password, by using the enable secret command.
Krang(config)#enable secret hobbits
If you have both passwords, the enable secret is the password used. 

Additional Information
enable secret password  Enable Secret Command    
This command defines the enable secret password used to protect access to privileged
exec commands. The password is case sensitive and can be defined on the router two
different ways. A password set with the "enable password" command is stored as clear
text, whereas a password set with "enable secret" is encrypted. For security, configuring
the router with an enable secret is preferred. The enable secret always takes precedence if
both enable secret and enable password are set.
Note: The unencrypted form of the password "cisco" is shown in the sample configurations. In an actual
configuration, the password would appear in an encrypted form: (i.e. enable secret 7 13061E010803 --
where 7 denotes the encryption type and 13061E010803 is an encrypted form of the password cisco.) When
entering or making changes to the enable secret, always type the password in its unencrypted form. Do not
enter the encryption type (7); it is set automatically.