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Oct 3, 2010

Lab 6: Setting the Banner MOTD (Message of the Day)

Objective:  The goal of this lab is to setup a banner MOTD (Message of the Day). The
MOTD is displayed when someone logs into the router. The banner can also be used to
display information about the router itself or to display a security message. 

Lab Equipment: We will be using Router 1.  To select Router 1 click on the button
labeled "Router 1" at the top of the screen.
1. Connect to Router 1 and enter Privileged mode.

2. Next enter configuration mode.
Router#config t 

3.  Give the command to enter the banner message and hit return. After we type banner
motd we need to enter a delimiting character. The delimiting character will be entered at
the end of the banner text so the router will know when we are finished entering text for
the banner.  The easiest one to use is the “z”. 
Router(config)#banner motd z 
Enter the text followed by the 'z' to finish 

4. Now all text that we type, until we type the letter “z”, will be stored as our banner.
Enter the text “You do not have permission to be here. This router eats hackers for
lunch z” and hit return. This will set our banner.
You do not have permission to be here. This router eats hackers for lunch! z 

5. To view the banner exit out of configuration mode and then exit out of the system.
Press return and you will get to see your banner.         
Press RETURN to get started. 
You do not have permission to be here. This router eats hackers for lunch!